Alhamdulillah, several wonderful events in Singapore
26 April 2008 (Saturday)
Haul Habib Noh al Habshi
Maqam Habib Noh (Palmer Rd)
After Maghrib
People who are going to attend this event will start to attend after Asar. Usually, there will be around 5000 people from all over the world. The event is unique as practitioners from various tariqa in Singapore and around the world will be attending this gathering. Insha'Allah Shaykh Afeefudin al Jelani will be the guest. This year will be different, perhaps with the atmosphere of somber cause it will be the first time the haul will be without the caretaker, Habib Hassan al Khatib. May Allah bless him. All are welcome.
26 April 2008 (Saturday)
Forum Agama sempena Maulidur-Rasul 2008
Maulid Ad Dibaie by Ustaz Hj Ali Hji Mohamed
"Kekuatan Daya Tahan, Perisai Masyarakat Islam Singapura"
Ustaz Saripi Rawi
Ustaz Mohamed Ali
Ustaz Yusoff Ali
Ustaz Mohd Feisal Mohd Hassan
Masjid AlHuda
After Maghrib
30 April 2008 (Wednesday)
Mawlid at Al-Wehdah (Lorong 37 Geylang)
after Asar
1 May 2008 (Thursday P.H)
Haul Habib Muhd bin Salim al attas
Masjid Baalwie
After Asar
Many Habaaib and mashaikhs from different part of the world will be joining this event. All are weclome.
Habib Mohd bin Salim al Attas was born in Hadramawt. He began to travel to various countries until he settled in Singapore. One of his noble dakwah effort became a reality when he managed to build Masjid Ba'alawi in Singapore. He was very close with many Habaaib and Maskhaikh, one of them was Shaykh Umar bin Abdullah or well known as Mualim Baghraib. (Our beloved Shaykh Zakaria father, whom was the imam of Masjid Khadijah for more than 2 decade).
3 May 2008 (Saturday)

Seminar: Our Beloved Mustafa
2 - 7 pm @ Masjid Alkaff Kg Melayu (Seminar Rm)
Fee: $30 per person (incl. notes & refreshments)
For more info, visit
Shaykh Afeefuddin Al-Jailani
Shaykh Mohd Ibrahim Bin Mohd Kassim
Prof Syed Farid Alatas
Ustaz Mohammed Iqbal Abdullah
Ustaz Firdaus Yahya
Ustaz Saifur Rahman, with the support of Masjid Alkaff Kg Melayu, is organising a Maulidur Rasul event on Saturday 3 May 2008.
The event will start with Maghrib prayers followed by Maulid Diba'i recitation led by Shaykh Zakaria Bagharib. There will also be a short lecture and Qasida recitation by Ustaz Leyaket Ali, Imam Executive of Masjid Al-Mukminin.
This seminar aims to inspire a sense of love for Prophet Muhammad (s) through a greater understanding of his life, struggle and sacrifice. Insha’Allah, the seminar will be graced by the presence of the eminent As-Sayyid As-Shaykh Afeefuddin al-Gaylani, the 19th direct descendant of the famous scholar and saint of Islam, Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Gaylani (1077-1166 AD/472-561 Hijrah). The eminent Shaykh Afeefuddin will deliver the keynote address for the seminar.
Other speakers for the seminar include Shaykh Mohd Ibrahim Mohd Kassim, Prof Syed Farid Alatas, Ustaz Mohammed Iqbal Abdullah, Ustaz Firdaus Yahya and Ustaz Saifur Rahman. And, to enliven the love of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) in our hearts, there will also be a couple of performances of Salawat and Qasidah during the seminar.
Join us on this educational journey in expressing and enhancing our love for our Beloved Mustafa (salallahu alaihi wasallam). For enquiries, please call Sis Saira at Tel 65474407 or email
4 May 08 (Sunday)
Haul Shaykh Umar Al-Khatib
Masjid Khalid (Onan Rd)
Due to the reconstruction of the Masjid Al Abd Razak, the family of Shaykh Umar decided to shift the Haul to Masjid Khalid nearby.
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