Majlis Maulidur Rasulullah SAW 30 May 2009, After Maghrib : Ayat-ayat Cinta Kepada Rasulullah SAW

When: 30 May 2009, After Maghrib
Where: Darussalam Mosque
Language: Malay
Organiser: Tradisi Halaqah (Badan Agama & Pelajaran Radin Mas)
Know that someone who loves a person prefers them and prefers what they like. Otherwise, he is a pretender, insincere in his love. Someone who has true love of Rasulullah SAW will manifest ayats (signs). But, what are the signs?
Further Details:
Tradisi Halaqah is an educational centre founded by people, under a registered non-profit, charity organisation Badan Agama & Pelajran Radin Mas [BAPA - ROS Reg No 0272/1958], committed to reviving time-tested methods of educating and transforming human beings. We at the Tradisi Halaqah aim to teach the tools individuals need in order to live lives of guidance and obedience to the sacred order and to restore broad-based pluralistic and true scholarship to its proper place as a 1st priority of Muslims.
Another very special value of Tradisi Halaqah is that every knowledge are transmitted in a way that stand the test of time, it is "isnad", or sound and verifiable links that stitches each generation of believers to the preceding one all the way back to the Blessed Messenger SAW.
"Isnad" is the secret of this Ummah and a gift from Allah. Without "isnad", the entire tradition could very well collapse. The system of ijazah (teaching licenses) is intricately linked to isnad in that one takes his knowledge from noble men and women who took their knowledge from those who took their knowledge from those .all the way back to that model community and to the blessed Messenger himself, whose knowledge, without a shadow of doubt, came from the Lord of the Divine Throne through his messenger, the angel Gibril, upon him be peace.
There is a tested and established tradition aimed at preserving and transmitting sacred knowledge within the overall tradition of Islam. We recognize its validity and importance today especially when the "sacred" has been demoted to an inferior position in our modern educational system.
Tradisi Halaqah and its asatizah have dedicated themselves to preserving and re-establishing the traditional educational method of teaching the Islamic sacred sciences to the present generation.We hope to be an active promoter for the attributes of the Singapore Muslim Excellence and be a model to the community at-large and contribute significantly to Singapore.
Labels: Dhikr, Habaibs, Islam, Islamic Lecture, Majlis Dhikir Singapore, Singapore
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