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Sultan of Saints

" click image to learn more about Naqshbandi Sufi Way "

MacMachine In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful. Highest of Salutations Upon Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions and his sincere followers. As-salaamu alaikum, which means "Peace be unto you" the greetings between believers, from my heart to your heart. Ahlan wasahlan wa marhaban bikum. This broadcast is dedicated to the living Sultan of Saints of our time, the Red Sulphur, the Meeting of the Two Seas, East and West and the greatest living Sufi master, "Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani an-Naqshbandi al-Qubrusi" "and to his deputies Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani" "and Shaykh Adnan Kabbani" who accompanied "Shaykh Nazim" and "his master Grandshaykh Abdullah al-Fa'iz ad-Daghestani" for fifty years, and to other great islamic scholars. To all those who love them and follow them and to all seekers and lovers of truth around the world. This broadcast material here is to provide services which will (insha-Allah) enrich our mind, enlighten our intellect, and nourish our human soul.

Currently I produce or direct people-driven stories and news related to muslims.net for a global broadcaster in HD High Definition. At times I design, direct and produce on-air promotions, show packaging, channel branding, music videos, commercials and corporate videos. Versatile with AVID, Final Cut Studio nonlinear editing suite, Adobe After Effects, ProAnimator, Photoshop and Illustrator. Enjoy the rest of my broadcast list which showcases my past project, travelblog & my own personal spiritual Islamic journey of self-discovery.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Advice of Habîb ‘Umar bin Hafîz

The Advice of Habîb ‘Umar bin Hafîz

This translation from arabic was prepared by: Br. Khalîl Abû Asmâ

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of the sentient beings, and may peace and blessings be upon His Messenger and upon his family and companions.

We request from your dignified person, may Allah be pleased with you, a comprehensive word and a general advice for all muslim, and our families and friends. (We also would like that you) specifically address how they should interact with the different groups from amongst the Muslims, as well as how they can realize taqwâ (God-Conciousness) within themselves. May Allah grant you a goodly reward.

The Sheikh, Al-Habîb ‘Umar bin Muhammad bin Sâlim bin Hafîz, may Allah preserve him, responded:

May Allah bless in us, and in you, and in them, with the greatest of blessings. And may He make us firm upon the truth, and right guidance, in whatever we say, do, and believe. For verily He is the Most Generous of the generous and the Most Merciful of the merciful.

Our counsel and our advice to these, our brothers, the ones whom the rope of “Lâ ilâha illah Allah” (There is no god but Allah) has brought together and the ring of connection has enveloped, by the Sacred Law of Allah, and the revelation of Allah and the Religion of Truth and Right Guidance; the way that Allah raised up His beloved and Chosen One, Muhammad with (peace and blessings be upon him and his family and companions). So upon all of these (my brothers): “As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.” We ask the Truth (Allah), may He be glorified and exalted, to fortify their hearts and to make us and them from the people of Iman (Faith) and the people of certainty (yaqîn).

Certainty (yaqîn) is an expression which means the strength of Iman, its firmness and deep rootedness in the heart, so much so that it becomes as if a lofty mountain. Certainty is the noblest thing that has been sent down from the heavens to the earth.

So our advice to them is to have concern for the enhancement and beautification of their certainty. Our master, the Imam, Abdullah bin ‘Alawi Al-Haddad said, “You must strengthen and beautify your certainty. For verily, when it is perfected the unseen will become seen without any possibility of rejection.” In other words, the unseen becomes as if it is the seen. This is the special feature and characteristic of the one who is ennobled by a connection to the message that Allah has commissioned their Prophet Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, and upon them (the Messengers), and each and every of their families and all of their companions and followers in righteousness until the last day. And upon us (peace) with them and in them. Verily He is the Most Generous of the generous and the Most Merciful of the merciful.

This certainty (yaqîn) is strengthened and beautified by certain causes:

* From the greatest of these causes is perfecting ones attentiveness and careful listening to the “signs” of Allah (the Qur’ân) and the narrations of His Messenger, His Chosen One, with humility, submissiveness, exaltation and reverence.

* Then, reflecting on and looking at the realms of the heavens and the earth and what is contained in them of indicators towards the immensity of the Maker and His awesomeness, majesty, knowledge and encompassment.

* Then, reflecting deeply about the journeying to Him, the affairs of the Hereafter, the affairs of the life in the barzakh, the affairs of the grave and what happens to its people, and the affairs of the gathering and resurrection.

* And pondering on the stories of the prophets and messengers, may Allah bless them and grant them peace.

* And reflecting upon the various (and numerous) blessings that He has bestowed upon us. This should be repeated over and over again in the mind until a light flashes in the heart that causes shyness in front of this Bestower who has bestowed the greatest of blessings, in spite of our boldness in front of Him.

* And reflecting on the fact that we have not upheld the right of His Lordship, while at the same time we have laid ourselves open to His wrath by preferring our desires and lusts in many of our situations and conditions. This will help us to develop brokenness in front of Allah, blessed and exalted is He, and for His sake.

* Then, persevering in the daily Salâh, with the congregation, as well as the supererogatory prayers and Sunnah prayers, especially the Sunnah prayers that are performed before, and or, after every Salâh:

1. Two rak’ahs before the Subh prayer

2. Two or four rak’ahs before and after the Dhuhr prayer (in the hadith it says, “Whoever is consistent in performing four rak’ahs before Dhuhr and four after it, Allah will make his hair and his skin forbidden (haram) for the fire of Hell.”)

3. Four before the ‘Asr prayer (in the hadith it says, “May Allah have mercy on the person who prays four rak’ahs before ‘Asr.”)

4. Two rak’ahs after the Maghrib prayer

5. Two rak’ahs before and after the ‘Ishâ prayer

6. Then the Witr prayer, the least of which is three rak’ahs

7. Also, the Duhâ prayer (which is in the morning, after the sun has risen).

All of these prayers should be observed with the utmost concentration and humility.

* Everyone should have a portion of Qur’ân that they recite everyday, as well as a portion of Dhikr, which has been narrated to us from the Sunnah, in the morning and the evening. And from amongst what has been abridged in that regard is Al-Wird Al-Latîf, by Imâm Al-Haddâd. This is a collection of great prophetic traditions and devotions.

* Also, reading the books of the righteous (scholars and friends of Allah).

* (We add to) what we have mentioned, sitting with those whom one’s faith is increased by sitting with them, from amongst those who are characterized by praiseworthy qualities.

These are the causes of certainty (yaqîn).

Among the best of the books of the righteous, that are widespread in the Muhammadan nation, are the books of the Imâm Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Ahmad Al-Ghazzali, Imâm ‘Abdul-Wahhâb Ash-Sha’rânî, Imâm ‘Abdullah bin ‘Alawî Al-Haddâd and others from amongst the righteous. Their books have a great effect in procuring certainty and in enlightening and purifying the heart.

Indeed, of the most necessary and emphasized things, which these our brothers should know concerning the greatness of their Dîn, is the acceptance of its people from amongst all those who have born witness that “Lâ ilâha illa Allah, Wa anna Muhammadan Rasulullah”, “None has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”. For it may be that some groups may differ with them in many opinions, yet they shouldn’t make from these differences any type of rancor, hatred, intolerance, or enmity. This is not permissible in the Sacred Law.

Whosoever carries on these intolerant campaigns of hatred then he has indeed answered the call of passion and lustful desire, the call of zealous partisanship and the preference of one’s own opinion. So it is upon us to revere the sacrosanctity of this immensely blessed statement of “Lâ ilâha illah Allah, Muhammadun Rasulullah”. For if the seven heavens and the seven earths were to be placed in one side of a scale and this statement were to be placed in the other side of the scale, “Lâ ilâha illah Allah” would have outweighed it! So we should revere this statement in anyone who believes in it. Furthermore, we should not take them as enemies. Allah, may He be exalted, said, “Verily, the Believers are nothing but brothers” (Qur’an).

Then, when we have become certain about the guidance, the truth and the right way, especially with what the heart is at rest, along with being in touch and connected with Sheikhs that are firmly established in knowledge and certainty, we should call to this way and clarify it to others with kindness and gentleness. So whosoever accepts that from us, then we praise Allah for that and we make supplication (dua’) for that person and cooperate with him. And whosoever doesn’t accept that from us, we make dua’ for him, and we are not pleased to open the doors of argumentation that are not beneficial, neither the doors of enmity, quarreling or dissension. Our Lord has said to us, guiding, teaching and directing us to the right path, “And sow not dissension amongst yourselves, for you will fail and the wind that blows you along will desist. And have patience, verily, Allah is with those that are patient.”

So it is upon every true person from amongst our brethren, every one of them that is focused on Allah, to be certain and know for sure that the final end and the ultimate victory is for the people of purity, loyalty, cleanliness of heart and sincerity to Allah; those who are connected and in touch with those who are close to Allah (the Awliyâ’). The goodly outcome will be for them. Therefore, whatever they see of angry arguments and challenges should not frighten them. Rather, they should avoid all of that and seek out the realization of sincerity with Allah, and being colored with noble prophetic characteristics in their interaction with their brethren in a beautiful way, even if they, in turn, are rude and disrespectful.

They should also overlook their mistakes and their spreading of their faults. For indeed, the existence of these groups, with regards to the one who embodies the characteristics of righteousness, is a great blessing upon him from Allah. That is so because these characteristics raise him and make him an inheritor of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. For if it wasn’t for the existence of these groups he would not have had the opportunity to show righteousness to those who are rude to him, nor to forgive those who have wronged him.

If the non-Muslims were the only ones who were around, then he wouldn’t have found the opportunity to show goodness towards the Muslims, while they are wronging him, nor would he have found the reward for enduring with the people of the Dîn. So, by the existence of these dissenting factions, he can develop beautiful characteristics and amazing qualities. This, in itself, should be considered as a great blessing upon him from Allah, exalted is He.

He should accept this training from Allah. The acceptance of this training is to have kind interaction with those individuals and having patience with what comes from them. So it is not acceptable, in the eyes of such a person, to call someone (from amongst the Muslims) a “kâfir” or a “mushrik” or an “innovator” or a “deviant”. At the same time, he manifests his goodly characteristics and he busies himself with those who want to benefit and take heed, all the while avoiding those who oppose him and want to block his way. But he does not react to them with unacceptable deeds, rather, he leaves them so that they come back to the right way or, at least, the Truth (Allah, exalted is He,) will push them away, as well as their evil, with whatever He wills. However, he should not hold anything inside of him except a good opinion (concerning them).

When Allah sees him like this, He will choose him. And if Allah chooses him, He will make him of those upon whose hands this Deen will be renewed in this century that we live in (the 15th Islamic Century). Hence, it is obligatory upon every believer to become overflowed with certainty that Allah will indeed renew His Deen in this century, as He renewed it in the centuries of old, and even greater than that. This is due to the fact that more weakness, division, separation, disruption and harm has occurred in this our century, than has ever happened in previous generations. So it is inevitable that this renewal will be more intense and much stronger, with a special attention from Allah, than what occurred in previous generations. All this in order that the promise of Allah to His Prophet may be realized, may Allah bless him, his family and his companions, and may He grant them peace.

So it is upon every single person to seek his lofty rank within this lordly gift by holding firm to sincerity, truthfulness, striving in the spread of Da’wah and benefiting those around one with whatever is possible. One should also remain in touch and tied to the people of righteousness (amongst the scholars and friends of Allah) and standing firm upon that until the Ultimate Reality (Allah), exalted is He, chooses him and makes him of those who will renew for this nation the affair of their Deen. He will also make them of a force that our Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said concerning: “The son of Mary will find a group of people in my nation like his disciples.” In other words, like the disciples that helped our master ‘Isâ (Jesus, peace be upon him). He will find them in this nation when he comes down from the sky to the Earth. He will rule according to the Sacred Law of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and will take guidance from his way and be lead by his example, just as he was lead by him on the occasion of the Night Journey and the Ascension at Bait Al-Maqdis (in Jerusalem).

He, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “How will you be when ‘Isâ, the son of Mary, will descend among you as a just ruler and your Imam is from amongst you?” In other words, you will have a great Imam amongst you. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, refers to him here and he praises him. That Imam is the great awaited Imam, the “Mahdi”.

So it is upon our brethren to seek nearness to Allah so that He may choose them. They should not trade this for argumentation with people and excessively discussing: “Who is the Mahdi? When will the Mahdi come? How is the Mahdi?” He will come in his appointed time, as Allah wills. And when he does come he will not be concerned with whether or not you can talk a lot, rather, he will be concerned if you can be upright a lot, upon the right way, and that you have been preparing completely, with the purification of your self, the cleansing of your heart and the strengthening of your faith. It is strong faith that he wants from you, not a lot of talk. The Mahdi is not in need of a lot of talk from us, nor is anyone else for that matter. Rather, he needs from us to have pure hearts, sincere intentions and true striving in the path of Allah, blessed and exalted is He. This striving should be against our lower selves, so that we go against our passions, give good counsel to our brethren, serve the Sacred Law of our Lord (Allah) and benefit the Muslims, and the people of the Deen, by means of it.

This is our advice to them. So everyone that hears it must reap its benefit in this life and the next. And whoever turns away, in such case they are Your slaves (O Allah). “If You punish them, verily, they are Your slaves. And if You have mercy on them, then indeed, You are the Most Strong, the Wise” (Qur’ân). (And as the Prophet Ibrâhîm said,) “And whosoever follows me, then verily he is from me. And whosoever disobeys me, then indeed, You are the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful” (Qur’ân).

O Allah, forgive us and have mercy on us; look upon us and aid us; take care of us and give us success; make us firm and make us of the accepted, amongst those whom you have chosen for this immense good and for this lofty and great goal. And make us of the rightly guided and successful guides towards every good, protected from every evil, O Lord! By the rank of Your Prophet Muhammad, the Chosen One, through the secret of the Fâtihah…unto the presence of the Prophet…

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on the Saturday, April 21, 2007 9:45:00 PM, Blogger Sadiq said...

Saalam. Many thanks for visiting my blog.

your blog is quite resourceful. i will visit later again. i am from Singapore.



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Habib Umar Bin Hafiz: at Masjid Abd Aleem Siddique 2007 & live from Tarim, Yemen

" Qasidah Burdah with Habib Umar Bin Hafiz at Masjid Abd Aleem Siddique "

Alhamdulillah, All Praises to Allah for giving me the opportunity to be in the blessed company of the descendants of Rasulullah (saw) who carry the 'chain of Light' and we hope by loving them, we will be gathered together with them and Rasulullah (saw), the Companions and the Solihin, insyallah. I had the greatest pleasure of joining Habib 'Umar bin Muhammad bin Salim bin Hafidz bin Abdullah bin Abu Bakar bin 'Aydrus bin 'Umar bin 'Aydrus bin 'Umar bin Abu Bakar bin 'Aydrus bin al-Husain bin Syaikh Abu Bakar bin Salim and his 'mureed' for 'tazkirah' here in Singapore. I will try upload the video as soon as I can. The knowledge was incredible 'Alhamdulillah (الحمد لله)'

Habib Umar Bin Hafiz lecture
@Masjid Abd Aleem Siddique, Friday 23 Feb 2007
Tasawuf - Spiritual journey light
Transcribe by : Light of Eminence
The descendant of Rasulullah (saw), the great great grandson of Shaikh Abu Bakr Bin Salim, Al-Habib Umar Hafiz, began the lecture by saying Praises to Allah Tabaraka wa Taala.

Allah created men and know what is in their hearts. Tasauf does not only refer to the inner being but also good character. Ahli Tasauf are those who have knowledge and act based on that knowledge. They study all branches of knowledge. In every era, these people exist. They practice what they learnt and therefore Allah granted them knowledge from Him. Their hearts are then purified of all sins (maksiat) and they are known as people who are careful in everything they do in life. They have reached Ihsan. They are keepers of the secret of their ibadah and they have reached a high status.

They fight against their nafs. "And those who strive in Our (cause),- We will certainly guide them to our Paths: For verily Allah is with those who do right." (29:69). They put in a lot of effort on this path. Some Arifin said, "Those who do not have extraordinary perseverance will not achieve this status." A lot of people gave up on the path when they find out how difficult it is.

Then, there are those who use the name of tasauf for their own benefit. Their actions are against the Sunnah, they betray the trust of others and they trick people. But these people do not represent the teachings of Tasauf and their actions should not mar the name of Tasauf.

Al-Habib Umar mentioned the story of how Imam Ghazali was a teacher to 300 ulama' when he was still young, but he left one day to do some introspection on himself, as mentioned in Munkidh Min al-Dalal.

He mentioned Salahuddin, the famous warrior of Islam, how he was greatly inspired by the teachings of Tasauf and Imam Ghazali. One day, Salahuddin was sitting with his friends. As they were chatting, one of them mentioned something, and all of them laughed except Salahuddin. They asked him why he didn't laugh and he said, "I feel ashamed if Allah sees me laughing when Baitul Maqdis has not been freed yet."

Al-Habib also mentioned how there was a daughter of an ulama' who wrote to Imam Ahmad Hambal asking a very interesting question. She asked...I work as a seamstress and every night, I will do some sewing to earn a living. I need light in order to sew, therefore I always sit by the palace where there is light so that I can do my sewing. Is what I'm doing halal? (the palace is not a good place). So, Imam Hambal wanted to know who asked such a question. He found out that it was the daughter of a Wara' man. Therefore he told her that it would have been okay for other people but not her - because she is the daughter of a pious man. A man who is wara' will pass on the character to his children.

He also mentioned the story of a man who went to a mosque and saw two groups of people studying. He wanted to test which of the two is better. He went to the first, and when he came, he just remained standing. The teacher in the group asked him why he's standing. He said, "I see something bad in you." The teacher on hearing this said, "If you think 1 bad thought about me, I have 1000 bad thoughts about you." So, the man left and went to the 2nd group. Again, he remained standing. The teacher in the group asked him why he's standing. He said, "I see something bad in you." On hearing this, the teacher wept and said, "The weaknesses I have which you cannot see are more than the one that you saw." Upon hearing this, all his students wept too. So, the man knew which of the two groups is better.

A person, good or bad, can learn outer knowledge. However only those in truth can learn inner knowledge - the Light of Rasulullah (saw)'s teachings. Therefore, we should love those who posess that Light.

HABIB UMAR LIVE (ONLINE) click here to watch

1. `Awarif al-Ma`arif. The broadcast will be daily from 3.50pm onwards. (8:50PM Malaysia time)
2. The Prophetic Biography. The broadcast will be every Saturday and Sunday night from 8.15pm onwards. (1:15AM Malaysia time)
3. GUIDANCE FOR THE SPIRITUAL PATH. The broadcast will be every Thursday from 6.35pm onwards. (11:35PM Malaysia time)
Note : the times above are local Yemeni time three hours ahead of GMT (that's five hours ahead of Malaysia time) or you can convert Yemeni time to your location here

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Habib Umar Bin Hafiz in Singapore 20 Febuary 2007

Selasa 20 Feb 2007
Jihad Membangun Ummah Menerusi Pendidikan
Tempat: Masjid Al-Ansar
(155 Bedok North Ave 1)
Masa: 7 malam
(Majlis bermula dengan solat Maghrib & bacaan Maulid)
Rabu 21 Feb 2007
Kuliah Zuhr - Pesanan Taqwa
Tempat: Masjid Hj Mohd Salleh
(Maqam Habib Nuh)
Masa: 12.45 tengahari
(Kuliah sebelum/selepas solat Zuhr)

Hijrah Rasul - Perpaduan Persaudaraan Manusia Berbilang Kaum
Tempat: Masjid Al-Istighfar
(2 Pasir Ris Walk)
Masa: 8 malam
(Solat Isyak bersama)
Khamis 22 Feb 2007
Kuliah Zuhr - Solat Para Solihin
Tempat: Masjid Al-Mukminin
(271 Jurong East St 21)
Masa: 12.45 tengahari
(Kuliah sebelum/selepas solat Zuhr)

Bacaan Ratib bersama Habib Umar Bin Hafiz
Tempat: Masjid Ba'alwie
(2 Lewis Road)
Masa: 7 malam
(Solat Maghrib bersama)
Jumaat 23 Feb 2007
Tasawwuf - Jalan Menuju Kesempurnaan Insan
Tempat: Masjid Abdul Aleem Siddique
(90 Lorong K Telok Kurau)
Masa: 7 malam
(Majlis bermula dengan solat Maghrib & bacaan Qasidah Burda)
Kuliah Subuh (20 hingga 24 Feb 2007)
Habib Umar Bin Hafiz akan bersolat subuh di Masjid Al-Abdul Razak (Jln Ismail, off Jln Eunos). Kuliah subuh akan menyusuli.
Semua syarahan akan disampaikan dalam bahasa Arab oleh Habib Umar Bin Hafiz, dan akan diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Melayu.

Siri Syarahan Habib Umar Bin Hafiz dianjurkan oleh Masjid Abdul Aleem Siddique, dengan kerjasama masjid-masjid berikut:

• Masjid Al-Abdul Razak (Tel 6846 8404)
• Masjid Al-Ansar (Tel 6449 2420)
• Masjid Al-Istighfar (Tel 6583 8711)
• Masjid Al-Mukminin (Tel 6567 7777)
• Masjid Ba'alwie (Tel 6732 6170)
• Masjid Hj Muhd Salleh (Tel 6220 9257)

*Untuk keterangan lanjut, sila hubungi Mohamed Nassir di talian 63460153.

Habib Umar's Biography
Habib Umar Bin Hafiz
Principal, Darul Mustafa
Islamic Scholar & Preacher

Habib Umar Bin Hafiz is a descendent of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from Sayyidina Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad – being the son of both ‘Ali and of Fatimah al-Zahra the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. He was born in Tarim, Hadramawt, a city of Yemen known far and wide due to the abundance of scholars and pious people that it has produced over the centuries, including the erudite and eminent scholar, Sheikh Umar Bin Abdullah Al-Khatib, who taught in Singapore for the most part of his life.

His father was the famous erudite preacher, Muhammad Bin Salim Bin Hafiz Bin Shaikh Abu Bakr Bin Salim. Likewise his grandfathers, Habib Salim Bin Hafiz and Habib Hafiz Bin Abd-Allah, were scholars who were highly respected by the scholars of their day. Habib Umar was raised in the most appropriate of conditions, surrounded by people of knowledge and piety.

Having memorised the Qur’an at a very early age he also memorised the core texts in fiqh (jurisprudence), hadith (traditions of Prophet Muhammad), Arabic Language and other Islamic sciences thereby adhering to the circles of knowledge that were held by many traditional scholars. He was educated and trained by many teachers, some of them being:

• Habib Muhammad Bin Salim Bin Hafiz (father)
• Muhammad Bin ‘Alawi Bin Shihab (at Rubat of Tarim)
• Shaikh Fadl Baa Fadl (at Rubat of Tarim)
• Habib Muhammad Bin ‘Abd-Allah al-Haddar (at Rubat of al-Bayda’)
• Habib Ibrahim Bin Aqil Bin Yahya (Mufti of Ta‘iz)
• Habib Zain Bin Sumait (scholar of Hijaz)
• Habib Abdul Qadir Bin Ahmad al-Saqqaf (scholar of Hijaz)
• Habib Ahmed Mashur al-Haddad (scholar of Hijaz)
• Habib Attas al-Habashi (scholar of Hijaz)

After spending a good number of years studying the Islamic sciences, in and around the Middle East, he returned to Tarim and established an institute of higher learning for Islam called Darul Mustafa. Darul Mustafa would be his gift to the world and to it the world was summoned. In what would seem such a short time, the people of Tarim would witness the convergence, both male and female students, from lands far and wide upon a city that was on the verge of being forgotten. Students from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, The Comorus Islands, Tanzania, Kenya, Egypt, Great Britain, Pakistan, United States and Canada as well as other Arab states and countries would be under the tutelage of Habib Umar and his appointed teachers. They would become students and catalysts in an authentic attempt at reviving traditional Islam. The rise of similar Islamic institutions in Yemen and abroad under the management of Habib Umar would again be a major momentum in the spread of knowledge and good behavior and provide the common people with opportunities that they had previously been deprived of.

Habib Umar currently lives in Tarim, Yemen where he oversees the development of Darul Mustafa and the many schools that have been set up under his management. He still maintains an active role in the propagation of the religion of Islam such that he spends most of the year traveling all over the world in pursuit of such noble activities.

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